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Jan 16, 2020
Five Ways that Afton’s ISO Certification Benefits You
Afton Plastics has recently achieved ISO 9001:2015 certification for quality management systems, an internationally-recognized standard of e

Dec 12, 2019
Celebrating 20 years with IAPD
The International Association of Plastics Distribution (IAPD) has created a unique business model in which manufacturers and distributors...

Nov 11, 2019
Are KEL-F® and PCTFE the same?
What is Kel-F? Kel-F® was a trade name for PCTFE (polychlorotrifluoroethylene) utilized by the 3M® Company. In 1995, 3M sold the rights...

Jan 15, 2019
Afton Adds Second Stocking Warehouse in Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Afton is now stocking many of our distribution products in Lancaster Pennsylvania, providing quicker access to our most common items...

Jan 11, 2019
PFA Weld Rod
Afton Plastics is now offering a line of coiled PFA weld rod for fluoropolymer fabrication applications. We make it easier to use...

Apr 6, 2018
Afton Plastics to Exhibit at the National Plastics Expo in 2018!
Afton Plastics will be exhibiting at the NPE2018 Expo for the first time this May Our team will be available at booth S23175 in the South...

May 5, 2017
Plastic Products for the Recovering Petrochemical Market
Chemical and Corrosive Resistant Plastics for the Recovering Petrochemical Market by Nate Koenig A new window of opportunity is opening...

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